Pneumonia Unmasked : Unlocking The Secrets of Childhood Infections
Juni 19, 2023
Arif Rohman Mansur, Ira Mulya Sari


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This book, titled "Pneumonia Unmasked: Unlocking the Secrets of Childhood Infections," will provide specific insight into pneumonia in the context of children. With the words "Unlocking the Secrets,” this book expects readers to get new, previously unrevealed information about pneumonia infection in children. This book is a comprehensive guide that discusses pneumonia, covering various important aspects such as epidemiology, key facts, the danger of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, the concept of pneumonia including its definition, signs and symptoms, risk factors, transmission, etiology, and pathophysiology. Furthermore, the book explains various classifications of pneumonia, based on the source of infection as well as the areas in the lungs, along with the severity levels of pneumonia. In the following chapters, readers will be introduced to the importance of pneumonia prevention, especially through vaccination and the role of fathers in child health. In the diagnosis section, the book discusses various assessments and diagnostic tests used in the process of diagnosing pneumonia, including chest radiography, fiber-optic bronchoscopy, and laboratory tests. The author then explains the possible complications that may occur and the management of pneumonia, both in terms of treatment and care, whether at home or in a hospital setting. Moreover, the book focuses on nursing care for individuals with pneumonia. Readers will gain guidance on patient history taking, physical examinations, nursing diagnoses, planning and goal setting for nursing care, as well as relevant evaluations to provide optimal care.

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