Nursing Care for Urinary Tract Infection : Understanding and Managing Uti in Children
Juni 19, 2023
Arif Rohman Mansur, Mutia Farlina


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Nursing Care for Urinary Tract Infection : Understanding and Managing Uti in Children Image

UTIs in children, especially infants and young children, are common and account for nearly 3% of the child population. UTIs are more common in girls after the age of 1 year, possibly because the shorter female urethra makes it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder. Another factor that affects the risk of UTIs in women is the location of the urethra which is close to the vagina and anus, allowing the spread of bacteria from that area.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, and can occur in the lower or upper urinary tract. Cystitis is a type of UTI that involves the urethra or bladder, while pyelonephritis is a type of UTI that involves the ureter, pelvis and kidney parenchyma. UTIs can be acute or chronic, with chronic ones being recurrent or persistent.

UTI symptoms differ between babies and children. The baby may show fever, irritability, vomiting, failure to thrive, or jaundice on the skin. Children may also have fever and vomiting, but may also have symptoms such as pain when urinating (dysuria), increased frequency of urination, hesitancy when urinating, urgency, and/or pain. Nursing management goals include eradicating infection, increasing comfort, and preventing recurrence of infection. Give medication as prescribed, encourage children to consume sufficient fluids, observe children's urine output and compare it with expected output, identify children who have UTIs and provide education to parents and children about how to prevent and treat the risk of infection in childhood. front.

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