Morphosyntax : A Linguistic Study from Structural Linguistics Perspective
Desember 21, 2023
Fatchul Mu’In, Nanik Mariani, Raisa Fadilla


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Morphosyntax : A Linguistic Study from Structural Linguistics Perspective Image

Structural linguistics delves into language and its framework scientifically, encompassing the study of language sounds (phonetics and phonology), word formation (morphology), sentence organization (syntax), meaning (semantics), and Semiotics (the relationship between signs and their meanings). It scrutinizes how linguistic signs operate within a system to convey meaning. This book discusses morphology and syntax in an integrated manner. Thus, the study of this language is conducted through "Morphosyntax." Morphosyntax is a linguistic term combining two key language components: morphology and syntax. It refers to the study of the relationship between the structure of words (morphology) and their arrangement in sentences (syntax) within a particular language.

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