Naskah Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar (The Manuscript of the Professor's Scientific Oration)
Julho 27, 2023
Anas Yusuf


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Naskah Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar (The Manuscript of the Professor\u0027s Scientific Oration) Image

Kawasan ASEAN merupakan suatu kawasan yang menarik dalam dunia internasional dikarenakan letak yang strategis. Secara geografis, kawasan ini terletak pada 28º LU - 11ºLS dan 93º BT - 141ºBT. Sehingga membuat kawasan ini termasuk daerah subur karena memiliki iklim tropis yang cocok dimanfaatkan sebagai lahan pertanian.
(The ASEAN region is an attractive region in the international world due to its strategic location. Geographically, this area is located at 28º N - 11º S and 93º E - 141º E. So that makes this area a fertile area because it has a tropical climate that is suitable for use as agricultural land).

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