Fighting Shadows: Understanding Childhood Tuberculosis
Maio 29, 2023
Arif Rohman Mansur, Mutia Farlina


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A comprehensive guide that reviews various aspects related to Tuberculosis (TB) in children provides an in-depth understanding of TB and the right approach to dealing with it.
This book discusses the basic concepts of TB in children, including definition, epidemiology, risk factors, transmission, and pathogenesis. Disease classification and clinical manifestations are emphasized, with a clear explanation of the differences between TB infection and disease. The importance of clinical observation in recognizing and diagnosing disease is emphasized.
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis uses conventional methods to diagnose TB, including microscopic examination and tuberculin test. Various tests to detect pulmonary, extrapulmonary, and latent TB are described. In addition, he also explained modern methods of diagnosing TB, such as Lipoarabinomannan (LAM), Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP), Xpert Omni and Xpert MTB/Rif, Truenat MTB, and Point-Of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS).
BCG vaccination is a primary prevention measure, and efforts must be made to prevent the spread of TB infection. Effective therapeutic management of children with TB to achieve optimal recovery. Balanced nutrition during TB treatment is an essential aspect of supporting treatment. The closing section explains the prognosis of Tuberculosis and the management of Nursing Care as a guide for providing care to children.

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