Cross Culture Communication
Novembro 3, 2022
Buhari Buhari, Andi Sadapotto, Sam Hermansyah, Ibrahim Manda, Muhammad Hanafi + 7 more authors


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This Book, Cross Culture Communication (CCC) 2nd edition, I write this book for you to improve your Understanding, Knowledge, and Behavior about communication in difference culture and language. In globalization and modern community and space in Indonesia, it is difficult for you to avoid this new era and it will derive you be involving your-self in communicating with people who have difference culture and language. Developing constructive, quality intercultural relationships can make life enriching and exciting to ourselves and to people around us. This book is an introductory cultural designed for University students, Lecturer, and practitioners and even undergraduate students and their teachers who are searching for a user-friendly book on the fundamentals of intercultural communication.

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