Essentials of Psycholinguistics
Março 20, 2024
Ramli Ramli, Woro Kusmaryani, Vivit Rosmayanti


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Psycholinguistics is a field that aims to understand the psychological and cognitive processes involved in language use and comprehension. By studying psycholinguistics, we can investigate various aspects of language processing, such as word recognition, sentence comprehension, and language production. Psycholinguistics uncovers the underlying mechanisms that govern how individuals acquire, understand, and produce language. Moreover, psycholinguistics plays a vital role in education, as demonstrated in studies focusing on learning strategies such as Student-Centered Learning (SCL) in the context of psycholinguistics. Educators can enhance students' understanding and achievement in studying language and cognitive processes by employing psycholinguistic approaches.
This book contains some essential topics in psycholinguistics, which can assist students in comprehending the cores of psycholinguistics. It briefly explains topics supported by current research that led the students to expose their perspectives, discuss with their groups, and complete the tasks. What is fascinating about this book is the variety of tasks like answering comprehension questions, watching a movie documentary, matching terms and definitions, and reflecting on learning through online applications like Padlet, quizizz, and QR code. Those activities are expected to provide a flawless learning experience in psycholinguistics class.
Essentials of psycholinguistics cover some areas such as how children learn language; the deaf and language: oral, written, and sign; reading principle and teaching; wild and isolated children and critical age for language learning; animal and language learning; children vs adults in second-language learning; second-language teaching methods; bilingualism, intelligence, transfer and language strategies; relationship between language, thought, and culture; where does language come from? Intelligence, innate language ideas, or behaviors; Natural grammar, mind, speaker performance; biological foundation of language neuroscience (brain specialization); treatment, and stress affect learning, motivation, and rewards.

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