Student Traveler : Let’s Explore Indonesia
Juni 23, 2022
Adhe Dwi Kurnianto, Ahmad Mushoffal Anam Satriawan, Akhdan Ziyad, Aleena Chalondra Sianturi, Andhika Shintya Ayu Maharani + 36 penulis lainnya


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Learning English is a must-have skill, particularly for the millennial generation, which will compete globally with people from all over the world. Mastering English is no longer a choice; it is an unavoidable must. Language, particularly English, serves as a portal to the rest of the world. Reading and writing are essential skills for all students, especially as they strive to become more insightful students who will be fully useful and knowledgeable human beings in the future. As a result, students will have the insight and knowledge necessary to construct and govern this country as future leaders.
Writing, in addition to reading, is a requirement for demonstrating students’ linguistic competence. Writing is one of our methods for ensuring the survival and continuance of our information. This book chapter includes information that will help everyone to travel either all around Indonesia or the world.

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